ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES, Journal of Planetary Geodesy
NOTE: submitting new articles takes place only via the Editorial Manager platform (click here) |
General. ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES is a journal of space research, affiliated to the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences. It offers a forum for scientific publications on such aspects of geodesy, geodynamics, space physics and space engineering as positioning, satellite geodesy, gravity field, geoid and heights, tides, reference frames, Earth rotation, physics of ionosphere and troposphere, near Earth space environment, Solar physics, physics of the heliosphere, photogrammetry, remote sensing and aerospace engineering. We accept original papers of fundamental nature, i.e. concerning new ideas, theories and processing means, as well as those dealing with new applications of the existing methods and technologies. Submitted manuscripts should be written in English (British or American but not a mixture of them); correct spelling and good sentence structure is the responsibility of the author.
Reviewing process. Within 7 days, the Managing Editor or Subject Editor decides whether to qualify the submission for review procedure. In case of a positive evaluation, the manuscript is reviewed by two reviewers who are experts appointed by the Managing Editor or the Subject Editors; the deadline for preparing a review is 30 days. The accepted article should be corrected by the author(s) taking into account the remarks or suggestions of both the reviewers. If these remarks or suggestions were not considered the author(s) should explain why they have been disregarded. The reviewers should send the review to the Editorial Office not later than one month after receiving the paper. If the contribution is not accepted by both the reviewers, then it is automatically rejected. If the paper is not accepted for publication by one of the reviewers it is sent to third reviewer. If third review is positive then the decision about publishing or rejecting the paper is made by the Managing Editor together with the proper Subject Editor. If the third review is negative i.e. the third reviewer also suggests rejection of the contribution, it is rejected. The average processing time is approximately 90 days.
Costs. Publication is free of charges.
Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Bartycka 18A, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland
Submission. The pdf or postscript file and the source file should be submitted, written according to the guidelines specified below. For editorial and publishing reasons, preparing manuscript in Microsoft Word, Open Office, TEX, or LATEX is strongly recommended. Each submitted paper is checked using CrossCheck iThenticate software. Papers submitted to the ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES must not be proceeded in other journals neither bulletins except the case of withdraw or rejection from them.
Arrangement of the paper. The manuscript should be prepared as follows:
1. Title, complete name(s) of the author(s), name and address of the affiliation where the work was done and contact address of the author(s).
2. Abstract.
3. Keywords:
4. Text body.
5. Conclusions.
6. Acknowledgements (optional)
7. References, listed in alphabetical order under the first author's name, in the following form
Press W.H., Flannery B.P., Teukolsky S.A., and Vetterling W.T. (1988). Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, New York.
Moritz H. (1996). The problem of heights and its solution by terrestrial and satellite geodesy, Artificial Satellites, 31,159-162.
Literature citations in the text should be by author(s) and year. When there are more than two authors, only the first one should be named in the text, followed by et al. Example: ,,This algorithm, described in (Press et al., 1988)...
8. Tables and figures should be either embedded in the text (by means of the word processor) and their position indicated on the copy.
9. Tables should be numbered consecutively by using Arabic numbers, with their captions placed above each respective table. Each figure should be provided with a concise but descriptive legend appearing directly below the figure, and the way of numbering should be the same as in the case of tables.
Declaration. Here is the declaration, which should be filled out and signed by the corresponding author.
Licence to publish. Please read the licence to publish, fill it out, scan and send the document as a one file. The licence should be completed and resubmitted again if the title of the article is changed during revision.
Templates. MsWord and LaTeX templates are available.
Linguistic proofreading. If the publication of the article is scientifically accepted, the last stage of the procedure is the linguistic proofreading. Adjustment and corrections are carried out by a native speaker at Sciendo >(note: Sciendo does not support the linguistic proofreading of paper in the .tex format, it allows only .doc and .pdf format; please take this into account when considering the use of the LaTeX environment).
Publications. Electronic version of each publication is available on the Sciendo website: